Uses of Class

Packages that use JackException

Uses of JackException in net.sf.jack4j

Subclasses of JackException in net.sf.jack4j
 class JackSimpleException
          Jack exception that contains integer error code.

Methods in net.sf.jack4j that throw JackException
 boolean JackClientThread.acquireRealTimeScheduling(int priority)
          Attempts to enable realtime scheduling for a thread.
 void JackClient.activate()
          Activates the client.
 JackLocalPort JackClient.addAudioPort(java.lang.String portName, java.util.Collection<JackPortFlag> flags)
          Registers new port of standard audio type.
 JackLocalMidiPort JackClient.addMidiPort(java.lang.String portName, java.util.Collection<JackPortFlag> flags)
          Registers new port of standard MIDI type.
 JackLocalPort JackClient.addPort(java.lang.String portName, java.util.Collection<JackPortFlag> flags, java.lang.String portType, int bufferSize)
          Registers new port.
 void JackClient.close()
          Closes the client.
 boolean JackClient.connect(java.lang.String sourcePortName, java.lang.String destinationPortName)
          Establish a connection between two ports.
 int JackLocalPort.connected()
          Returns number of connections to or from port.
 boolean JackLocalPort.connectedTo(java.lang.String portName)
          Returns true if the port is directly connected to port with specified name.
 void JackClient.deactivate()
          Deactivates the client.
 void JackClient.disconnect(java.lang.String sourcePortName, java.lang.String destinationPortName)
          Remove a connection between two ports.
 void JackClientThread.dropRealTimeScheduling()
          Drop realtime scheduling for a thread.
 void JackPort.ensureMonitor(boolean on)
          If the port can be monitored, this method, turns on input monitoring if it was off, and turns it off if only one request has been made to turn it on; otherwise, it does nothing.
 long JackMidiPortBuffer.eventReserve(int time, int dataSize)
          Allocate space for an event to be written to an event port buffer.
 void JackMidiPortBuffer.eventWrite(int time, byte[] data)
          Write an event into an event port buffer.
          Frees the ringbuffer.
 java.lang.String[] JackClient.getAllPortConnections(JackPort port)
          Returns full port names of to which the specified port is connected.
 long JackLocalPort.getBufferPointer(int bufferSize)
          Returns pointer to the memory area associated with the specified port.
 int JackClient.getBufferSize()
          Returns buffer size.
 java.nio.ByteBuffer JackLocalPort.getByteBuffer(int bufferSize)
          Returns ByteBuffer that contains the memory area associated with the specified port.
 java.lang.String JackClient.getClientName()
          Returns real client name (which may be different than the one specified in constructor).
 java.lang.String[] JackLocalPort.getConnections()
          Returns full port names of to which this port is connected.
 JackMidiEvent JackMidiPortBuffer.getEvent(int index)
          Returns MIDI event from the (input) buffer.
 int JackPort.getLatency()
          Returns port latency.
 java.lang.String[] JackLocalPort.getPortAliases()
          Returns all aliases set for this port.
 int JackPort.getPortFlags()
          Returns current port flags, packed as int.
 java.util.EnumSet<JackPortFlag> JackPort.getPortFlagSet()
          Returns current port flags, as reported by Jack API.
 java.lang.String JackPort.getPortName()
          Returns the full name (including 'client_name:' prefix) of this port.
 java.lang.String JackPort.getPortShortName()
          Returns the short name (not including 'client_name:' prefix) of this port.
 java.lang.String JackPort.getPortType()
          Returns port type.
 int JackClient.getSampleRate()
          Returns current sample rate.
 int JackClient.getTotalPortLatency(JackPort port)
          Returns port total latency.
 JackMidiPortBuffer JackLocalMidiPort.initializeMidiBuffer(int bufferSize)
          Returns instance of JackMidiPortBuffer for this port.
 JackInternalClient JackClient.internalClientByName(java.lang.String clientName)
          Returns an object that represents internal client with specified name.
 boolean JackPort.isInput()
          Returns true if this is an input port.
 boolean JackClient.isMine(JackPort port)
          Returns true if the specified port is owned by this client.
 boolean JackPort.isMonitorable()
          Returns true if this port can be monitored.
 boolean JackPort.isOutput()
          Returns true if this is an output port.
 boolean JackPort.isPhysical()
          Returns true if this port is physical.
 boolean JackClient.isRealtime()
          Returns true if the server runs in real-time mode.
 boolean JackPort.isTerminal()
          Returns true if this port is terminal.
 JackInternalClient JackClient.loadInternalClient(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, java.lang.String sharedObjectName, java.lang.String initValue)
          Loads internal client.
 void JackTransportClient.locateTransport(int frame)
          Reposition the transport to a new frame number.
 void RingBuffer.mlock()
          Attempts to lock the underlying native buffer in memory.
 boolean JackPort.monitoringInput()
          Returns true if input monitoring was requested for this port.
 JackPort JackClient.portById(long id)
          Returns (local or foreign) port with given ID, or null if it doesn't exist.
 JackPort JackClient.portByName(java.lang.String name)
          Returns (local or foreign) port with given name, or null if it doesn't exist.
 void JackClient.recomputeTotalLatencies()
          Recomputes port latencies.
 void JackClient.recomputeTotalPortLatency(JackPort port)
          Recomputes port latency.
 void JackTransportClient.releaseTimebase()
          Releases this client from timebase master responsibility.
 void JackClient.removePort(java.lang.String portName)
          Unregisters given port.
 void JackTransportClient.repositionTransport(TransportPosition position)
          Request a new transport position.
 void JackPort.requestMonitor(boolean on)
          If the port can be monitored, sets monitoring on or off.
 void JackClient.requestPortMonitorByName(java.lang.String portName, boolean on)
          If the port can be monitored, sets monitoring on or off.
 void JackClient.setAllDefaultCallbacks()
          Sets all available default native callbacks.
 void JackClient.setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
          Sets buffer size used by Jack server.
 void JackClient.setBufferSizeCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackBufferSizeCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setClientRegistrationCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackClientRegistrationCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultBufferSizeCallback()
          Sets the default native JackBufferSizeCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultClientRegistrationCallback()
          Sets the default native JackClientRegistrationCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultFreewheelCallback()
          Sets the default native JackFreewheelCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultGraphOrderCallback()
          Sets the default native JackGraphOrderCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultPortConnectCallback()
          Sets the default native JackPortConnectCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultPortRegistrationCallback()
          Sets the default native JackPortRegistrationCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultProcessCallback()
          Sets the default native JackProcessCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultSampleRateCallback()
          Sets the default native JackSampleRateCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setDefaultShutdownCallback()
          Sets the default "on shutdown" callback for this client.
 void JackTransportClient.setDefaultSyncCallback()
          Declares this client as a slow-sync client, using default callback.
 void JackClient.setDefaultThreadInitCallback()
          Sets the default native JackThreadInitCallback for this client.
 boolean JackTransportClient.setDefaultTimebaseCallback(boolean conditional)
          Registers this client as timebase master for the Jack, using default callback.
 void JackClient.setDefaultXRunCallback()
          Sets the default native JackXRunCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setFreewheel(boolean onoff)
          Starts or stops Jack "freewheel" mode.
 void JackClient.setFreewheelCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackFreewheelCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setGraphOrderCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackGraphOrderCallback for this client.
 void JackPort.setLatency(int latency)
          Sets port latency.
 void JackLocalPort.setPortAlias(java.lang.String alias)
          Sets port alias.
 void JackClient.setPortConnectCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackPortConnectCallback for this client.
 void JackLocalPort.setPortName(java.lang.String portName)
          Sets short name of this port.
 void JackClient.setPortRegistrationCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackPortRegistrationCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setProcessCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackProcessCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setSampleRateCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackSampleRateCallback for this client.
 void JackClient.setShutdownCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom "on shutdown" callback for this client.
 void JackTransportClient.setSyncCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Declares this client as a slow-sync client, using default callback.
 void JackTransportClient.setSyncTimeout(long microseconds)
          Set the timeout value for slow-sync clients.
 void JackClient.setThreadInitCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackThreadInitCallback for this client.
 boolean JackTransportClient.setTimebaseCallback(boolean conditional, long pointer, long arg)
          Registers this client as timebase master for the Jack.
 void JackClient.setXRunCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Sets custom JackXRunCallback for this client.
 int JackClient.threadWait(int status)
          Calls jack_thread_wait.
 void JackLocalPort.tie(JackLocalPort sourcePort)
          Ties this (output) port to given input port.
 void JackInternalClient.unload()
          Unloads this internal client.
 void JackLocalPort.unsetPortAlias(java.lang.String alias)
          Removes port alias.
 void JackTransportClient.unsetSyncCallback()
          Declares that the client is not slow-sync anymore, and unregisters native sync callback.
 void JackLocalPort.untie()
          Undoes the effect of JackLocalPort.tie(JackLocalPort).

Constructors in net.sf.jack4j that throw JackException
AbstractJackClient(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
          Simply calls inherited constructor.
AbstractJackTransportClient(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
          Simply calls inherited constructor.
JackClient(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
          Creates new, inactive Jack client.
JackTransportClient(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
RingBuffer(int size)
          Creates new ringbuffer that can hold specified number of bytes.
RingBuffer(int size, boolean freeWhenFinalized)
          Creates new ringbuffer that can hold specified number of bytes.

Uses of JackException in net.sf.jack4j.examples

Methods in net.sf.jack4j.examples that throw JackException
          Activation and main event loop.
          Activation and main event loop.
          Activation and main event loop.
          Activation and main event loop.

Constructors in net.sf.jack4j.examples that throw JackException
Metronome(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
MidiSeq(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
MidiSine(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
TimebaseMaster(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)

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