Class JackTransportClient

  extended by net.sf.jack4j.JackClient
      extended by net.sf.jack4j.JackTransportClient
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class JackTransportClient
extends JackClient

JackClient with additional transport-related methods.


Constructor Summary
JackTransportClient(java.lang.String clientName, boolean useExactName, boolean canStartServer, java.lang.String serverName)
Method Summary
 int getCurrentTransportFrame()
          Return an estimate of the current transport frame, including any time elapsed since the last transport positional update.
 void locateTransport(int frame)
          Reposition the transport to a new frame number.
 JackTransportState queryTransport(TransportPosition position)
          Queries current state and position of Jack transport.
 void releaseTimebase()
          Releases this client from timebase master responsibility.
 void repositionTransport(TransportPosition position)
          Request a new transport position.
 void setDefaultSyncCallback()
          Declares this client as a slow-sync client, using default callback.
 boolean setDefaultTimebaseCallback(boolean conditional)
          Registers this client as timebase master for the Jack, using default callback.
 void setSyncCallback(long pointer, long arg)
          Declares this client as a slow-sync client, using default callback.
 void setSyncTimeout(long microseconds)
          Set the timeout value for slow-sync clients.
 boolean setTimebaseCallback(boolean conditional, long pointer, long arg)
          Registers this client as timebase master for the Jack.
 void startTransport()
          Starts the Jack transport.
 void stopTransport()
          Stops the Jack transport.
abstract  boolean syncCallback(JackTransportState state, TransportPosition position)
          Synchronization callback for slow-sync clients.
abstract  void timebaseCallback(JackTransportState state, int nframes, TransportPosition pos, boolean newPos)
          Callback that provides extended position information to Jack transport.
 void unsetSyncCallback()
          Declares that the client is not slow-sync anymore, and unregisters native sync callback.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jack4j.JackClient
activate, addAudioPort, addMidiPort, addPort, bufferSizeCallback, clientRegistrationCallback, close, connect, cpuLoad, deactivate, disconnect, finalize, framesSinceCycleStart, framesToTime, frameTime, freewheelCallback, getAllPortConnections, getBufferSize, getCallbackStruct, getClientHandle, getClientName, getClientThread, getPorts, getPorts, getSampleRate, getStatistics, getTotalPortLatency, graphOrderCallback, internalClientByName, isActive, isMine, isOpen, isProcessMethodSynchronized, isRealtime, isShutdown, lastFrameTime, loadInternalClient, localPort, localPortNames, portById, portByName, portConnectCallback, portRegistrationCallback, process, recomputeTotalLatencies, recomputeTotalPortLatency, removePort, requestPortMonitorByName, sampleRateCallback, setAllDefaultCallbacks, setBufferSize, setBufferSizeCallback, setClientRegistrationCallback, setDefaultBufferSizeCallback, setDefaultClientRegistrationCallback, setDefaultFreewheelCallback, setDefaultGraphOrderCallback, setDefaultPortConnectCallback, setDefaultPortRegistrationCallback, setDefaultProcessCallback, setDefaultSampleRateCallback, setDefaultShutdownCallback, setDefaultThreadInitCallback, setDefaultXRunCallback, setFreewheel, setFreewheelCallback, setGraphOrderCallback, setPortConnectCallback, setPortRegistrationCallback, setProcessCallback, setProcessMethodSynchronized, setSampleRateCallback, setShutdownCallback, setThreadInitCallback, setXRunCallback, threadInitCallback, threadWait, time, timeToFrames, xRunCallback
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JackTransportClient(java.lang.String clientName,
                           boolean useExactName,
                           boolean canStartServer,
                           java.lang.String serverName)
                    throws JackException
Method Detail


public void startTransport()
Starts the Jack transport.


public void stopTransport()
Stops the Jack transport.


public JackTransportState queryTransport(TransportPosition position)
Queries current state and position of Jack transport.

If the position parameter is not null, the given structure will be updated with the current positional information.


public int getCurrentTransportFrame()
Return an estimate of the current transport frame, including any time elapsed since the last transport positional update.


public void locateTransport(int frame)
                     throws JackException
Reposition the transport to a new frame number.

May be May be called at any time by any client. The new position takes effect in two process cycles. If there are slow-sync clients and the transport is already rolling, it will enter the JackTransportState.STARTING state and begin invoking their synchronization callbacks until ready. This function is realtime-safe.



public void repositionTransport(TransportPosition position)
                         throws JackException
Request a new transport position.

May be May be called at any time by any client. The new position takes effect in two process cycles. If there are slow-sync clients and the transport is already rolling, it will enter the JackTransportState.STARTING state and begin invoking their synchronization callbacks until ready. This function is realtime-safe.



public void setSyncTimeout(long microseconds)
                    throws JackException
Set the timeout value for slow-sync clients.



public void setDefaultSyncCallback()
                            throws JackException
Declares this client as a slow-sync client, using default callback.

Setting up a sync callback declares this client as a slow-sync client, one that cannot respond immediately to transport position changes.

After the default callback is set, the method syncCallback(JackTransportState, TransportPosition) will be invoked accordingly to Jack synchronization rules (see the description of syncCallback method).



public void setSyncCallback(long pointer,
                            long arg)
                     throws JackException
Declares this client as a slow-sync client, using default callback.

Setting up a sync callback declares this client as a slow-sync client, one that cannot respond immediately to transport position changes.

The pointer must be a native JackSyncCallback pointer, represented as long.

pointer - the pointer to native function
arg - the value passed as void* arg parameter to the callback
See Also:


public void unsetSyncCallback()
                       throws JackException
Declares that the client is not slow-sync anymore, and unregisters native sync callback.

After this method is called, the syncCallback(JackTransportState, TransportPosition) method won't be called anymore.



public boolean setTimebaseCallback(boolean conditional,
                                   long pointer,
                                   long arg)
                            throws JackException
Registers this client as timebase master for the Jack.

The timebase master registers a callback that updates extended position information such as beats or timecode whenever necessary. Without this extended information, there is no need for this function.

There is never more than one master at a time. When a new client takes over, the former timebase callback is no longer called. Taking over the timebase may be done conditionally, so it fails if there was a master already.

conditional - if true, the request is made conditionally, ie. if there already is a timebase master, the method does nothing
pointer - the pointer to native function
arg - the value passed as void* arg parameter to the callback
true if the call was successful; false if conditional request was made and there's already timebase master.
See Also:


public boolean setDefaultTimebaseCallback(boolean conditional)
                                   throws JackException
Registers this client as timebase master for the Jack, using default callback.

The timebase master registers a callback that updates extended position information such as beats or timecode whenever necessary. Without this extended information, there is no need for this function.

There is never more than one master at a time. When a new client takes over, the former timebase callback is no longer called. Taking over the timebase may be done conditionally, so it fails if there was a master already.

The default timebase callback invokes the method timebaseCallback(JackTransportState, int, TransportPosition, boolean) of this client.

conditional - if true, the request is made conditionally, ie. if there already is a timebase master, the method does nothing
true if the call was successful; false if conditional request was made and there's already timebase master.


public void releaseTimebase()
                     throws JackException
Releases this client from timebase master responsibility.

After this call, this Jack client is not timebase master anymore. The transport state keeps rolling if it was started, but no extended positional information will be available. The timebaseCallback(JackTransportState, int, TransportPosition, boolean) will not be invoked anymore.

See Also:


public abstract boolean syncCallback(JackTransportState state,
                                     TransportPosition position)
Synchronization callback for slow-sync clients.

The method is never invoked until the setDefaultSyncCallback() is called.

After the default slow-sync callback is set up, this method will be called during the next process cycle (if the client is active), or after the call to JackClient.activate() (if the client was previously inactive).

Then, the method is called again whenever the transport starts, and whenever some client requests new transport position.

The method must return boolean value that indicates whether the client is ready to roll.

The position structure is only valid during the call. If you need the positional information outside the callback, you can create a clone with TransportPosition.clone().

state - current transport state
position - new transport position
true if the client is ready, false otherwise.


public abstract void timebaseCallback(JackTransportState state,
                                      int nframes,
                                      TransportPosition pos,
                                      boolean newPos)
Callback that provides extended position information to Jack transport.

This method is never invoked unless the setDefaultTimebaseCallback(boolean) was successfully called.

This method is called immediately after proces callback in the same thread whenever the transport is rolling, or when any client has requested a new position in the previous cycle. The first cycle after the (default) native timebase callback was registered is also treated as a new position, or the first cycle after JackClient.activate() if the client had been inactive.

The method is responsible for setting extended position information into pos structure. The actual transport position can not be set using frame field of that structure; use locateTransport(int) instead. The position structure is only valid during the call. If you need the positional information outside the callback, you can create a clone with TransportPosition.clone().

state - current transport state
nframes - period length
pos - position structure for the next cycle; if newPos is false, the structure already contains extended positional information from current cycle
newPos - if true, new position was requested; in such case, pos structure doesn't contain valid extended information

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