
Jack4j is a Java library that allows access to Jack API. It makes about 98% of Jack functions available from Java.


2008-06-14: Jack4j version 0.3.0 (beta) released

The version 0.3.0 solves some thread synchronization issues.

2008-04-23: Jack4j version 0.2.0 (beta) released

The version 0.2.0 brings improvements to ringbuffer API, example clients, better documentation, and minor fixes.

2008-04-03: Jack4j version 0.1.0 (first beta) released

The version 0.1.0 brings support for Jack ringbuffers, and fulfills the main goal of the Jack4j project - to make all important features of JACK API available for Java applications.

Jack4j is now also available as Maven dependency, and is mirrored by central Maven repository.